Sites for Writing and Translating Books
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This collection of websites allows individuals to write their own stories using online applications. You can also generate translations of existing texts and create dual language books.
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The online Bloom Library contains some 6,500 books in more than 400 languages. Books continue to be developed in many languages, written by local authors. Users can read books online or download them in various formats. Using the free Bloom software on Windows or LInux computers, authors can write their own books or adapt books available in the library to their own language.
31 training videos can be accessed on developing books using Bloom, from beginning to advanced levels of development.
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StoryWeaver is an open-source digital platform from Pratham Books on which stories can be read, downloaded, translated, versioned, or printed. It provides a user-friendly app to create books and a repository of images.
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Teachers and students make their own digital books with Book Creator. Check out Vadys Nahar’s multilingual book My Swing with your learners.
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An online teaching tool, WriteReader’s storybook template can also be used by teachers and students to create their own dual language books. See this teacher’s blog post to learn how.
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With EW writing projects conducted in Nigeria, Indonesia, Haiti, Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal, more than 3,000 books have been produced by local authors in local languages. Implemented by University Research Co.'s Reading within Reach project, EW is the result of a prize competition by All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development to produce a book authoring software that can be used globally to develop books for use in early grade reading programs. The competition was supported by the ACR:GCD partners-the United States Agency for International Development, World Vision and the Australian government-and resulted in the adaptation of Bloom book creation software.
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The National Museum of Language hosts a Multilingual Digital Storytelling Exhibit, showcasing multilingual digital storytelling. The mission of the National Museum of Language is to inspire appreciation for the magic and beauty of language.
Choose a language and a story, and the story is read aloud, in the language, with often the printed text in the language and a translation in English. They are also posting downloadable pdf files of the stories. They have stories in 14 languages now and plan to add more. For example, here is a story in Bosnian. It is also possible to write and contribute a story in your language.